Candid Clover Photography!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

A letter for those i love....

Someone is probably trying to sleep as im writing this and probably that someone might get a notification saying i have a new blog. Somewhere along the road that took me where i am today. I have made mistakes and i have made a lot of people angry. Ive disappointed a few and i have neglected a few. Im sorry for that. To my friends, be spirited, be energetic, be passionate about everything in life. Even if sometimes you seem to be beaten down, neglected, take a breath and soldier on. Keep moving and keep realising that everyone has their hard times if its any consolation, Im always hoping for the best things in life for you people.

When you get what youve always wanted, be sure to remember the path that led you there so you do not stray afar from the true and main objective of your life. Remember to be humble, forgive and forget if there are mistakes and be sure to keep your head high as well so no one can push you down. Keep your head up when all around you are losing theirs, and try to find solitude amongst the people that care for you. The people that understands you. Someone once told me when youre trying to do something new, everyone is against you and it is hard, but it doesnt make it the wrong thing. I thank this man for his advice. When there is something wrong about something, voice it and suggest a solution, there is no common place other than the problem that keeps revolving around in the same place without a solution.

If you feel at one moment you can no longer trust someone youve trusted for a very long time, be disappointed but do not take the trust away, people make mistakes and somewhere along the way in life they might regain your full trust. Remember the people who've stayed beside you, in bad and good times, keep your emotions in check so you no longer feel like your losing control. Keep control, the best thing about your life is that you control it and no one else. Be sure to be confident, and also be humble, admit defeat but never give up. Accepting defeat is realization that other things are more significant but giving up means you no longer have the courage to move on in your life.

Sun Tzu said keep your enemies closer, but dont keep holding on to them, keep holding on to the friends you have and let go of the enemies. Learn from everyone and yourself, do this, then youre learning from something call life. Work hard to bridge the gaps of ideas and symbols, this way you'll be able to have the people around you with different ideas close when war is about to happen. Do not treat yourself like a soldier ready to die at any moment, but dont treat yourself life a general either coz then youd have to mind and lack the body for war.

Be judgmental when needed, but not too judgmental that you become a food critic. Be close and try to get to know the person next to you on a train. Everyone in the world has a story without anyone wanting to listen. Listen carefully to the insults and cmopliments. Try to remember the compliments and forget the insults, if succeed in doing this, tell me how you did it. Take time to acknowledge the people that worked with you without discriminating the amount of effort they put in it. If they do too little, theyll feel guilt and work harder next time, and if they do enough, theyll feel appreciated and keep the same amount of commitment next time. Give credit when its due and give credit without feeling embarass.

Acknowledge people for their good traits or try to discard their bad traits, when you begin to accept people the way they are, then they will begin to accept you as you are. Shed the tears when you feel like it, but keep it in when you feel it makes people take advantage of you. Love people who love you, and love people who hurt you to make you a better person.

Someone once asked me, "When will you change? Ive been waiting for you to change." This is one person i have disappointed, but i still hold close to my heart because the trust he put in me and how much he expected of me, my apologies for not being able to fulfill your ecpectations. Keeps these people close, its hard to find people who believe in you, and when you find one, try not make the mistake i made, disappointing them.

Believe in truth, honor, and friendship. Never betray any of these three. keep in mind you play a part in where humanity goes in the next few decades, what you do everyday determines that path humanity takes now and tomorrow.

I made a mistake of telling someone, "dont trust anyone," Im sorry, i shouldnt have broken the naive beautiful world that you hold bare in your head and imagination, never make this mistake again people. Remember to put in front what is close to you, because sometimes in our passion to chase something so far, we tend to negelect the closest things to us.

Be careful whose advice you take, but be patient to those who supply it. All advice means more than what its worth. Never make the mistake of taking it for granted.

Remember to write down what you think and feel, and pass it on to everyone, this way, the advice goes to everyone you and your friend know.
forgive and forget anything that is wrong with this personal writing. :)